The heart-stopping tale of a young man's attempt to clear his father's name, from the Carnegie Medal-winning author of Buffalo Soldier. From the Carnegie Medal-winning author of Buffalo Soldier Tanya Landman comes this heart-stopping tale of a young man's attempt to clear his father's name. When his father is arrested and transported to the Colonies, Caleb is left alone.
After a desperate journey in search of an aunt he's never met he receives a strange, cold welcome. Then a body washes up on the nearby beach and Caleb is caught up in a terrifying net of lies and intrigue. Soon he and his new family are in mortal danger.
This powerful story holds the reader in suspense as it charts the growth of a frightened boy into a brave young man. Shortlisted for the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize.
Author(s): Landman, Tanya,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 05/05/2016,
Pagination: 320 pages,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: Walker Books Ltd,
Published By: Walker Books Ltd,
Book Classification: Children's, young adult & educational,
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781406366914