Independent Bookshop Week -Emily

What have you missed most about the shop? My colleagues! And our customers! But also I've really missed the early mornings when I'm the only one in the shop, it's just me and the books and it's incredibly peaceful. 

Have you read any great books during lockdown? I haven't! For some reason I've really struggled to concentrate on reading... Plus I have been pretty busy putting together the website and keeping an eye on all the orders we've been fortunate enough to receive! I'm beginning to get back to reading though, and I'm looking forward to starting the new book club choice- The Dutch House by Ann Pratchett 

If you were to live where the last book you read took place, where would you be?

Which fictional character would you most like to be? I would like to be Zachary from The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern. A magical underground library to explore, a really hot love interest and an incredibly cool best friend- what's not to love!

Which book would you most like to see made into a film? I've actually just watched the behind the scenes documentary of the making of Lord of the Rings and feel totally overwhelmed by the process of adapting page to screen! That said I would love to see a film or TV version of Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi, it would be epic!

Who is your favourite author? Ugh, this is tricky... I can maybe do a top three? Emily St.John Mandel, Erin Morgenstern and Curtis Sittenfeld

What was the last book that made you cry? Becoming by Michelle Obama