
Independent Bookshop Week - Sue

Independent Bookshop Week - Sue

What have you missed most about the shop? What I have missed most about the shop is the cheery camaraderie of working together as a team with my friends (and daughter!),...

Independent Bookshop Week - Sue

What have you missed most about the shop? What I have missed most about the shop is the cheery camaraderie of working together as a team with my friends (and daughter!),...

An Update - 16th April

Fuelled by tea and rock cakes, we're delighted to announce that we are now able to start taking orders again!

An Update - 16th April

Fuelled by tea and rock cakes, we're delighted to announce that we are now able to start taking orders again!

Update 30th March 2020

With hope & a passion for books in our hearts, we have to sadly announce that the Haslemere Bookshop's business is on pause for now.

Update 30th March 2020

With hope & a passion for books in our hearts, we have to sadly announce that the Haslemere Bookshop's business is on pause for now.