Some stories will do anything to get your attention...
In this thrilling and unflinching debut collection, an eclectic group of characters struggle with the lure of the limelight.
A teenager escapes school gossip to hang out with a dead Tudor queen; a reality show applicant has a bitter axe to grind; a spiralling woman weaponises her cat’s internet fame to keep track of her ex; a guest has a mute meltdown while reluctantly attending a silent retreat…
Attention Seekers is a tour-de-force of dark humour and social commentary, deconstructing what it means to take up space and be seen – and at what cost.
Author(s): Brankin, Emma,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 06/07/2023,
Pagination: 180 pages,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: Valley Press,
Published By: Valley Press,
Book Classification: Fiction & related items,
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781915606280